It's a common misconception that all farms are "rustic" or "country." While some farms might have an old-school charm, the big producers of the 21st century are all about technology that can help them clear bigger yields and volumes. This might mean investing in complex farming equipment, or it might mean installing an automatic farm gate opener to keep their boots clean as they drive home. The possibilities are endless.
2. Get Friendly With Your Vendors
Vendors are the beating heart of a farming business. You can churn butter until the cows come home, but unless you have vendors to buy, ship, stock, track, package and sell it, you'll be churning it for nothing. Make sure that you have good relationships with your vendors. Get to know them, and listen to any advice that they have for you.
3. Stay on the Cutting Edge
Many farmers take pride in the tools and methods that were passed down to them by older generations. While there's nothing wrong with a little authenticity on your farm, you don't want to cling to old, outdated practices that are slowing you down. Don't be afraid to subscribe to a farming magazine and invest in some of the cool equipment that you find there. It's important to stay attuned to the trends and changes of any industry, and this includes farming.
These are just a few tips for contemporary farmers. As you can see, the industry is a little more complicated than just plowing fields and herding livestock. It's modernizing just like the rest of the world, so if you want a successful career in farming, you need to be willing to hop on the bandwagon of the future!
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